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  • Deteksi kebocoran tanki bahan bakar bandara

Deteksi kebocoran tanki bahan bakar bandara

Update Terakhir
04 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
71 kali



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Detail Deteksi Kebocoran Tanki Bahan Bakar Bandara

Deteksi kebocoran tanki bahan bakar bandara Oil Leak Detection kami dapat menjadi early warning jika terjadi kebocoran tangki bahan bakar di air port, pabrik, dll. • Oil Leak Monitor can detect oil in 12 seconds at the earliest after it attaches the fiber. With adoption of the optical fiber, the time period of oil detection can be reduced as in 12 seconds at the earliest for the previous model which takes more than 3 minutes. * 1 • Floating or Mixture oil can be detected* Floating Oil, oil in the sea water or mixture oil can be detected accurately and quickly. • High Sensitivity * 2, 3 Trace level oil such as oil film can be detected even if it' s under water or on the surface of water. • Compact body The compact body of the sensor can be installed in a small space. • Easy installation For the installation, the sensor is just floated on the water. * 1. There are some oils which can not be detected by this product. Please feel free to consult us before purchasing the product. * 2. Depending on the type of oil * 3. According to the site condition, the selection of appropriate model is required. If oil attaches to the sensing area, light passing through an optical fiber partially leaks out and it results in a reduced due to a difference in refraction luminous energy applied to the receiving area. Detection is based on this fact. Alat monitoring kebocoran tangki bahan bakar, sistem monitoring kebocoran tangki minyak, oil leak detection system, early warning oil leak detection monitoring. Distributor agent penjualan service repair, upgrade dan perbaikan Jakarta - Indonesia TELP. 8611444 ( hunting) Call : 0811 893 101, 0815 614 1954, 0813 992 919 09
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